Denver Broncos Running Back, Phillip Lindsay Signs the Wall of Fame

Former CU football player and current Denver Broncos running back, Philip Lindsay surprised us with a visit tonight! He came back to his old stomping grounds to root for the University of Colorado's Men’s basketball game at the CU Events Center on the CU campus. He must have been good luck because they defeated Norfolk State 76-60 in the second-round NIT Tournament game!

Sink Legacy, Chuck Morris Signs the Wall of Fame

On February 4th, 2019, former Sink Manager and Colorado Music Hall of Fame inductee, Chuck Morris came to The Sink to sign the Wall of Fame next to his newest caricature.

Morris, alongside KBCO, was celebrated for his achievements in the Colorado music scene by being inducted into the Colorado Music Hall of Fame presented by Comfort Dental on December 3, 2018.

The Sink Included in The Daily Meal’s Best Bars in America for 2019

The Daily Meal, a website about ‘All Things Food and Drink’, names The Sink #128 in the Best Bars in America for 2019. They’ve been compiling this extensive list since 2011. It looks like they were able to try some of our signature dishes and cocktails.

A Letter From John Lund: My Recollections of The Sink and Boulder 1954-1958

Boulder, at that time, was a “dry town”  – i.e. no alcohol could be sold – even though you could buy it outside the city limits.  Thus, the only “non-alcohol” you could buy was 3.2 beer (3.2% by weight or 4.0% by volume).  Since it was “non-alcoholic” you could drink it when you were 18.  The other beer tavern that I remember on the hill was Tulagi’s just up the street (now closed).  Named for the island in the Pacific where a major WWII battle was fought depicted by a giant painting on the wall – and I think the owner’s son participated in the landing (and was killed), and the other was “TTs” or Timber Tavern on Arapahoe St. in downtown Boulder.

The Sink Gets Ready for a Feature on the Travel Channel

The Travel Channel is filming a new season of Food Paradise and will be featuring the ‘world-famous’ Sink restaurant’s food. They are inviting guests to come in Thursday, August 30th from 11 am-2:30 pm and “see if you’ll make it on TV!” 

Sneak Peak: The Sink’s Blended Burger

Here at The Sink, we love beef – our SinkBurgers are the stuff of legend! We also love the environment; we’ve been running on 100% wind power since 2006 and have long used low-flow water fixtures and energy efficient lighting. To further our efforts, we’re going to be working on a new ‘Blended Burger’ over the next few weeks that we plan on offering to our customers.